News — Specialty

Oleum Hispania (Why it's Best)

Oleum Hispania (Why it's Best)

Oleum Hispania offers the best olive oil directly from the mill.

To view all the awards Oleum Hispania's Extra Virign Olive Oil has won, click here.

First of all, the best olives are well selected and harvested in the exact moment of ripeness which assures the maximum quality of the product. To achieve this, in the month of August the farms are visited to start the monitoring and the controlling of the olive trees to choose the best olive from its...

Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVOO) is rich in nutritional value and its consumption has several proven health benefits:

  • It helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol LDL (bad cholesterol) and reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It also improves blood pressure stability and helps prevent obesity.
  • Rich in polyphenols (powerful antioxidant), extra virgin olive oil prevents cellular aging, and works against degenerative diseases as Alzheimer's and the formation of cancerous cells.
  • It contains several natural anticarcinogenic compounds and suppresses the development of...